Here’s what’s in program:
1. Healing from an Affair: A cheater’s guide for helping your spouse heal from your affair
Our very popular program that takes the cheater through the 24 “tasks” they must perform in order to best help their spouse heal and recover. This program also includes A Betrayed Spouse’s Companion Guide for Understanding Your Wayward Spouse and Helping Your Marriage Heal, approximately 6 hours of valuable audios and additional supplemental bonuses.
2. A Survival Guide for the Unfaithful
A 45-page booklet containing a collection of ten articles from or site that are a must read for every unfaithful person.
3. Inside the Mind of the Unfaithful: Understanding Why Cheaters Do What They Do
This is a program that was created from a discussion I had with another ex-unfaithful, Tim. It not only sheds some light on what the unfaithful was/is thinking for the benefit of the betrayed spouse, but it will also help the unfaithful person gain some more insight into their own actions.
4. Understanding Your Betrayed Spouse
A 14-page guide that goes over many of the do’s and don’ts for the unfaithful spouse after their affair, as well as what they can expect from the betrayed spouse.
5. Selected Audios and Transcripts from the Affair Recovery Group Sessions
We've selected 5 appropriate audios and transcripts for the unfaithful spouse to listen and/or read that are from the Affair Recovery Group sessions with Marriage and Family Therapist, Jeff Murrah. In all, they encompass about 4 hours of audio listening.
6. One-Hour Telephone Mentoring Session with Doug
I’ve set aside a few hours each day (not weekends) to talk with you about whatever you want to talk about. You can ask me any questions you want. You can ask for my advice. You can get inside an ex-unfaithful person’s brain. You can just vent. It’s up to you!
7. One free month membership to the Affair Recovery Movement.
This is our premier membership area where our goal is to help guide members through the 5 Stages of Affair Recovery. After the initial 3-days, you'll be charged $30 per month for 12-months. You will then be a Lifetime Member and no further payments will be required.
Here are what a couple of clients say...
"I had a great mentoring session with Doug last Thursday- and he helped me understand this is a process for my Husband as well and how I might approach some things differently to help in our recovery. My spouse is at the stage where I think he feels we should have moved on by now (6 mo since DD). Not a reality. He seems confused because to him it has been over for a long time.
I wanted to thank Doug for his candid advice and time and for all the great information." ~ Sherri
"Thanks for talking with me today- it helps to get a man's perspective who knows what my husband may be going through/thinking and what I may need to do. I am happy to hear that our current journey is somewhat "normal" - it feels different/final this time and I am hopeful it is." ~ Holly